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Video above created by me - Music by Gunship

Being a fan of GTA5 not just because its a good game but I am fascinated by the style and the design within the game. The style is very American retro 80's, a lot of neon based colours. Parts of the USA can be seen everywhere. From Los Angelies to Holly Wood and also including parts of New Mexico landscape. Not just beautiful landscapes but also including a massive variety of human figures, and also large number of vehicles of all different types. So what I wanted to have ago at is recreaing some characters from within the game with my own style, but keeping the same similar life like effect. Tying to recreate cars in illustrator and photoshop but using different lighting effects to bring the objects to life I enjoy doing.

Using illustrator and photoshop to render and creat characters like you would see from GTA5. Learning these skills will help me with editing photos and also creating illustrations for hopefully future projects. So far I have learnt a lot about the importance of adding depth of field in my images and making sure there is a light source, also knowing where shadows should be on objets.

After moving to photoshop, I add colour using the paint bucket tool. After this I go over with different hues and tonnes to get the depth of field I am looking for in my work.

I find most hardest doing is adding the white after and getting the right levels of light to suit the image appropriately according to its position.

Building and creating characters, I want to understand how to make my illustrations as life like as possible. I find adding light spots and dark light spots, shadows and putting filters on these areas with very low opacity levels, helps make sure the back and the white is not very strong which would drown out the image and ruin it. I am still learning how to improve on getting levels just right but at the moment it is through trial and error. But also this differs in images according to how much colour is used in them.

I am really enjoying doing rendering and creating vehicles such as cars. I use illustrator to outline the basic shape of the object in this case the car, then I use photoshop to edit the colours. Also not just adding colour I tone the car with light and shadows. I am looking forward to creating many more and potentially making background sceneries for them. 


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My GTA5 cinematic video's  

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I decide to take my design further and go in to the movie industry with GTA5 cinematic view. I use to watch a TV series which I loved and still do. I always thought how great would it be to recreate this program and this style of action filming. I found out on GTA5 they have a in game editor to take and record in game footage of what you do in the game, after you can go edit this footage in the Rockstar editor program.   

This allowed me to take and do different shots and video content from different perspectives. Basically this program calling me to make my own video footage at high levels of complex filming angles. I knew before discovering this program nothing about filming and media based video filming at different angles. Yes GTA5 is life like game, but it is designed to allow people like me create video content and footage without thinking about the cost it would be if I filmed this in real life.  

So back to the TV series I needed to create the main character, Michael Westen. Michael if you have not seen the video above which sums it all up in a brief summery. Michael is a spy who has been burned and dumped in Miami with no money. But Michael has very good friends and contacts where Michael helps people against drug smuggling cartels and street gangs. Over all Michael is trying to get down to the bottom and find out why he was burned and is chasing the FBI and the US secret service for answers.

The main character

In-game footage image of character and car.

My music videos for the band Gunship. I wanted to create video content for this music artist because I find their music is very 80's style which fits the game GTA. So using the in game editor GTA5 rockstar editor, I make music video content.

The original video was done using toon shading, and was based apron flying and fighting in the sky. So I used  what I had being fighter jets and accidentally got in to a battle with another online player and used are lets say conflict and a movie set for my music video.  

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