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Welcome to all the work I have done for clients. Some of the work I have been asked to do is paid, some has been for work experience. Work also produced for my graphics course


The logo above is for the London Partnership Cycle Challenge. This job through a friend who is one of the leading rolls in the Police force in London. They asked me if I wanted to help deign a logo for there charity event. Since it is being run my the Metropolitan Police I had to produce a design very similar to what they asked for. They sent in a drawing design of what they were looking for and then I finalised the design to be more digital. Proportinally it is not all correct but the client was very happy with it. And remember it is a charity event.

Castle Cars

Castle Cars

Castle Cars

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The work above was for a award winning taxi company in Tunbridge. They required a new promotional video, high quality photos and a new front screen background for there website. Taking many photos of the taxi company's top vehicles in there fleet.

Lots of photo editing and footage manipulating allowed me to produce a simple promotional video and photos. The hardest part of this job was producing a back crew saver to there website. They wanted a time-lapse of the high street where they operate most. It took a while to get good enough quality footage and covert it to a time-lapse. But in the end went very well and got mentioned on there website.

Glitch Font

Final project was to produce your own typography. Calling it Glitch font is being a 3D typeface, designed with the concept that letters could leave the page. Layered at different positions to give you a 3D effect. TV like lines are added at different volumes to give a glitch effect. The letter shape is a bold Arial with lines and chunks chopped out at different places of the letters. 

It would be classed as a modern digital sans geometric typeface, using triangles and lines to remove sections of the body of the typeface. Details include a leaf shape brush, small thin and thick lines across the body of the font. Colours are overlaid and blended in places. You can see the red is placed over to the right, and the blue is to the left. This gives this final 3D effective effect you can see.


A friend of a friend came to me to produce a logo for there charity "Leap into Hope" They wanted me to produce exactly what they drew for me. So illustrating over the top I produced a digital version of there drawing they sent to me.   

Castle Project

Castle edit.png
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Designing information graphics for castles in England. Doing loads of primary research visiting castles and places of interest to gather info. It is designed to educate the viewer of these historical fortresses which once owned the land we live in today. Designing and making a 3D model of a basic castle. Painting it made it more professional and alive as a model.


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Bringing the mesoamerica world to modern day life for the blind. Creating massive model pyramid built by the Aztec's so that the blind can understand how it looks in real life. Because a Aztec pyramid is not just a pyramid it is square and has steps and levels. So to recreate this for the blind would educate people with visual imperarment about what these look like by feeling them.  

YT video

This was for video editing expirance and work experience. My music videos for the band Gunship. I wanted to create video content for this music artist because I find their music is very 80's style which fits the game GTA. So using the in game editor GTA5 rockstar editor, I make music video content.



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  • Horsie in the Hedge 

  • Underbelly

Looking in to possible illustration work, or media and video editing with music. But at this real point in time I am very unsure where I want to take my graphic life. I don't want further education but a apprenticeships or internships I would be willing to go with. After looking in to the graphic industry for a while. It seems more and more work places and apprenticeships require uni degrees which I am not prepared to do. or shed out the money for. I know I know get a loan and pay it back. I do not want to be in debt before I even start work. For me it does not make sense for me. Too much risk and very little gain. 


So I have looked at other possible things like public sector things in the UK. Which the UK is renown for in the word for its high quality public service. So been looking in to the police force. 

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